Raft Guide Grade 3 Assessment

Hop On A Wee Scottish Adventure

Outdoor Adventures in the Highlands for all

This Assessment is for raft guides operating on grade 3 rivers – one of the most sought after awards anywhere. 



Raft Guide Grade 3 Assessment

Duration 1 day
Group Size 1-2 people
Difficulty Grade 3
Season Of The Year All Year
Minimum Age 16 Years old
Meeting Place Findhorn 10:00

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Raft Guide Grade 3 Assessment​ Course Information

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Raft Guide Grade 3 Assessment Course Meeting Place

Please look out for the van branded with our logo’s on all sides. We will always get there early and try to park up prominently for you to see us. We have put the location for the Findhorn above but can use any grade 3 section of water and we may need to be flexible around water levels as well.

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