Gorge Scrambling Adventure

Hop On A Wee Scottish Adventure

Outdoor Adventures in the Highlands for all

Gorge Scrambling in the Cairngorms National Park is one of the most enjoyable and fun adventure activities on offer in the Highlands. Perfect for adults, kids, families, groups or individuals this is a trip to not be missed.

£45.00 Adult, £30 Child


Gorge Scrambling Adventure

Duration half day
Group Size 2-10
Difficulty easy
Season Of The Year Spring, Summer, Autumn
Minimum Age 6 years old
Meeting Place Truim Falls 10:00

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Interested In A Private Course Or Have Any Questions, Drop Us An Enquiry Below.​

Gorge Scrambling Adventure Course Information

Meeting Place For the Gorge Scrambling Adventure

Driving along the A9 there is a turn off towards Dalwhinnie and Crubenmore, take this and just after this turn there is a large car park on the side where we will meet. Please look out for the van branded with our logo’s on all sides. We will always get there early and try to park up prominently for you to see us. 

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This is a step up from gorge scrambling and is suitable for all aged 10 and upwards.